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The Ultimate Hoggy Burger with a Tangy Texan Slaw 

Wine match:

Andrew Peace Masterpeace Shiraz 2023 (75cl – abv 13.5%), a smooth and full-bodied red wine with black fruit flavours and a hint of cherry.

Ingredients (serves two):  

Texan slaw  

The veg: 1 small white cabbage, 2 large carrots, 1 large red onion, 1 large gherkin, sliced into thin strips
Condiments: 100g of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, Texas seasoning or paprika, 2 tablespoons of gherkin vinegar or white wine vinegar
Optional: finely diced fresh chilli, hot sauce

The burger   

The meat: 400g mince, 8 rashers streaky bacon
The toppings: 8 slices burger cheese slices, burger sauce and 1 white onion, 1 beef tomato, Iceberg lettuce, gherkin, jalapeños, all sliced
The bread: 2 brioche burger buns


The slaw: mix the carrot, cabbage, gherkin, mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar and season well, before seasoning to taste with salt, pepper and hot sauce.

The meat: Split the mince into 100g balls and season well ensuring the seasoning is mixed well into each ball of meat.

Heat a cast-iron pan on the grill until it’s around 220°C or fire up the BBQ. Place the bacon in the pan, followed by the onions and cook until golden brown

When it’s time to flip your bacon over, place the meatballs on the pan and squash to around 1cm with a burger press or spatula making sure the patty slightly wider than your brioche roll.

Flip the patties after 2-3 minutes and place the burger cheese on the cooked side.

When the bacon is crispy and onions soft, place on top of the cheese.

Add a splash of water to the hot surface next to the patties and close the lid. This will create a steam oven and help melt the cheese. After approx. Three minutes the burger should be cooked, and cheese melted.

Assembly: Toast off the brioche rolls and start layering the burger. Spread burger sauce on top of the bottom bun, add the shredded lettuce and sliced beef tomato followed by the two patties with melted cheese, bacon and onion and finish off with a few sliced gherkins and jalapenos before topping with the burger bun.

To serve:

Place your burger on a plate or board alongside a generous scoop of slaw.